Curriculum — St James Lutheran Early Education Center

SJLEEC Curriculum

We educate the whole student...

soul, mind and body


  • We develop our curriculum and learning activities around a new and fun theme each week.

  • We understand that children learn through play and hands-on discovery. SJLEEC provides a sensory and literacy rich environment where children are active participants in their learning.

  • We provide classrooms appropriate to each age/developmental level, and we teach students at their appropriate level differentiating to meet the needs of all children.

  • We understand that positive social and emotional growth and development are important in early childhood. We help children understand their feelings and learn how to successfully interact with others on an ongoing basis through the teaching of Christian values, conflict resolution skills and good manners.

  • We teach Christian Education using "Spark" curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. Children have "Jesus Time" daily and attend "Kid's Worship Time" lead by one of our Pastors once per week.

  • We keep learning FUN and encourage children to develop a love for learning. We assessed children and hold parent/teacher conferences twice during the school year. We encourage parents to discuss concerns, share suggestions and goals with us at any time during the year. A strong parent/teacher relationship is important to us.

At SJLEEC, we use Minnesota's Early Childhood Indicators of Progress: Minnesota's Early Learning Standards as a framework for developing our programs and curriculum to encourage Kindergarten readiness and teach to the whole child. We teach to the following developmental areas daily adapting the following standards and indicators of progress to the appropriate age/developmental levels of the children in each class:

Social and Emotional Development

Children understand emotions of self and others; use words instead of actions to express emotions; learn how to be a friend, share and take turns; explore emotions through play and the arts; participate in group activities; learn how to follow rules, routines and make transitions; respond appropriately to praise, limits or corrections; develop a positive self-concept, etc.

SJLEEC teachers support children's social and emotional development by listening to and helping students daily within a small group of children. Small class sizes in a contained classroom environment help children to learn how to function within a classroom structure following rules, taking turns, learning schedules, keeping hands and feet to themselves, respecting classmates, etc. Social and Emotional development is further supported by the teaching of Christian values and Bible lessons as well as conflict resolutions skills and good manners at SJLEEC.

Language and Literacy Development

Children write their name; recite the alphabet; identify letters and sounds; recognize rhymes and sounds in familiar words; understand that print is a way of communicating; are aware of beginning concepts of print; write letters and numbers; use pictures, scribbles and letter writing to represent thoughts and ideas; develop listening skills understanding stories and following directions; communicate effectively; speak clearly; use more vocabulary; engage in conversation; ask questions; retell stories; make predictions in stories, etc.

SJLEEC provides a literacy rich environment including books, literacy games, manipulatives, posters, etc. Using the themes for the week, teachers read theme-related books teaching students about concept of print and encouraging practice of things such and finding rhyming words and familiar sounds as they enjoy group reading time. Children learn letters and sounds daily during calendar time and practice writing letters and identifying letter sounds through a variety of creative instructional strategies such as song, learning games, art, dramatic play, etc. during special daily language and literacy time. Teachers encourage children to participate in group conversation.

Cognitive Development

Children understand numbers and can count in sequence; understand one-to-one correspondence; count and state " how many"; make patterns; sort objects; order and sequence objects; match objects; identify shapes; identify colors; understand directional and positional terms; make comparisons between objects; begin to add and subtract; use senses to explore; describe object by physical characteristics; make comparisons between objects; begin to understand cause and effect; understand they are part of a community, etc.

SJLEEC teachers teach math concepts daily during calendar time and during special scheduled math time using games, song, dramatic play, manipulatives, art, etc. to encourage children in their discovery and understanding of math concepts. SJLEEC teachers plan science projects that relate to the weekly theme. SJLEEC teachers continuously help children in their understanding of math, science, and social studies concepts as they interact with and help children throughout the day.

Approaches to Learning

Children show curiosity for discovering and learning new things; try new and different activities; use imagination and inventiveness when approaching tasks or experiences; complete tasks; stay engaged in learning; contribute ideas or suggestions; learn from experiences to succeed in new situations, etc.

SJLEEC teachers encourage students to develop in their approaches to learning by providing a variety of learning experiences that encourage student participation, inquiry and self-discovery. Teachers present curriculum in a variety of ways such as through music, creative art activities, crafts, books, large muscle activities, games, manipulatives, sensory tables, drama, etc. Teachers encourage children in their own discovery process and help them to gain confidence to make guesses and take ownership of their learning developing an "I'll try" and "I can do it" attitude.

Creativity and the Arts

Children use a variety of materials to create art; show progression in ability to create art; participate in music, dance and drama; show interest in their creative work and other's; shares thoughts and ideas about creations and experiences, etc.

SJLEEC teachers prepare art projects daily using many types of supplies and materials encouraging children to be creative. SJLEEC teachers sing songs and provide time for dance and movement daily. Teachers use song, drama and art to support learning and development of other development areas. Teachers, many times, incorporate the theme of the week in the music selections, art projects and dramatic play areas. Teachers celebrate children's creations and accomplishments encouraging children to share their creations by hanging them on the wall, telling classroom friends, etc.

Physical and Motor Development

Children develop large muscle control and coordination; develop strength, balance, flexibility and stamina; use a variety of equipment for physical development; balance on one foot; walk on tip-toes; catch a ball; throw a ball; walk backwards; do a jumping-jack; develop small muscle control and coordination to zip, button, tie, etc; use hand-eye coordination; use scissors correctly; use correct pencil grip when writing; follow basic health and safety rules; become independent with basic self-care; etc.

SJLEEC has a large playground with a number of large play opportunities, a special indoor large motor room for rainy or cold days, and a variety of play equipment for use both indoors and outside such as different sizes of bouncy balls, hula-hoops, parachutes, bean-bags, hopscotch carpets, tents, jump ropes, large motor games, etc. Children enjoy time to play and exercise developing large motor skills daily. SJLEEC teachers plan games and activities and encourage free play. SJLEEC teachers keep health and safety of children as a priority and help children to know these rules and become independent with their own basic care such as hand-washing, putting on their jackets and backpacks, etc.

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